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13 driving licence photos that are worse than yours

License and registration, please step out of the car.

IF YOU ARE a living, sentient human being, then chances are you don’t like your driver’s license photo.

But don’t despair, because things could be a lot worse.

1. At least you don’t have a pasta strainer on your head in yours

Source: Imgur

2. You likely don’t look like a stunned deer

Source: Imgur

4. …or Quasimodo

quasimodo Source: imgur

4. …or Jerry Seinfeld

Source: Imgur

5.  You probably don’t look as wrecked as Conan O’Brien

conan o'brien Source: Art Brut(e)/Wordpress

6. And you don’t look like you’re in the circus

driverlicense Source: imgur

7. You didn’t opt to do your best Zoolander

Louise drivers license photo Source: xojane

8.  You’re not wearing this t-shirt

hotmoms Source: WorldWideInterweb

9. Your license doesn’t literally read “eat ass”

eatass Source: NBC

10. You didn’t accidentally leave the curlers in your hair

OAcBewH Source: imgur

11. You don’t look like you’re full after a big dinner

JaiepA2 Source: imgur

12. You probably don’t look rabid

rabid Source: Photobucket

13. A fly probably didn’t land on your face right as the photo was taken

Source: Imgur

14. And you definitely aren’t Justin Bieber

justin-bieber-drivers-license-picture Source: justinbieberpictures11/Blogspot

21 animal pictures to make you crease yourself >

29 things you’ll only find funny if you’re Irish >

About the author:

Amy O'Connor

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